
As well as helping to raise money by supporting our events, you can also make donations to the Grove Schools' PTA in other ways:

Payroll Giving

A payroll giving scheme is an easy, tax efficient way of donating through your salary. Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is an easy convenient and tax effective way to make a regular or one off donation, so it costs you less to give more. If you wish to donate check with your employer to make sure your company offers Payroll Giving.

General Donation

If you would like to make a one off donation directly to us you can either contact us about donating via bank transfer into our account or donate online via this link

If you are a UK taxpayer as we are also able to claim gift aid on your behalf so please provide us with your details.

Raffle Prizes

A great way to raise money for the school is through a raffle, and the bigger the prizes, the more money we raise! If you or the company you work for are able to help us with some exciting raffle prizes - please think of us! In the past we have been given weekends away, a Switch console and lots of other fantastic prizes. 

School Uniform

We hold frequent second hand uniform sales throughout the year, parents and carers can recycle their good condition outgrown uniform by donating to the PTA and then come along to our sale and pick up something new. If you are in need of something in between sales you can contact us and we can check what we have.

Bag2School + Grove's Clothing Bank

Throughout the year we organise a Bag2School Collection whereby we receive a % of money for all the donations parents and carers bring in - these are old clothes, discarded soft toys, shoes, bags, blankets - the list goes on. In between these times you can also drop off unwanted items in the clothing bank situated in the School car park at the bottom of Dark Lane. The clothing bank donations raise money specifically for the Grove Juniors. 

We greatly appreciate any donation you can give and it all helps the school provide the best environment for our children.