Party the night away throwing some dance moves to some of your favourite tunes with Disco Danni from Disco Kids!

The disco is split into three sessions:

- Early Disco 4.45pm – 5.45pm - Nursery, Reception and Year 1

- Middle Disco 6pm – 7pm - Year 2, 3 and 4

- Late Disco 7.15pm – 8.15pm - Year 5 and 6

Tickets are £5 per child. Squash and a treat will be provided.

Children must attend the disco for their year group. All tickets are for Grove School children only.

Children attending the early disco must be accompanied by an adult. The middle and late discos are drop off. Please let us know if someone other than you will be collecting your child at the end of the evening. All children must be picked up by an adult. School staff will be in attendance but if you feel your child will be anxious to stay alone, please sign up below to help out. A quiet space will be available for all children with games and activities.

There is no photography at any of the discos and please don't allow your child to bring their phone.

We want all the children at The Grove to be able to attend the disco. If the current cost of living crisis means that purchasing tickets is difficult there is an option to select free of charge tickets. These tickets are also applicable if your child falls within the ‘Pupil Premium Grant' category.

We need volunteers to help set up the disco and run the event, so if you able to help please sign up to help on Classlist. We are anticipating the discos will be very popular. All volunteers will be guaranteed to get tickets for their children to attend. If possible, please purchase these tickets as normal. However, if we have sold out please contact the PTA and we will ensure your child has a place. 

Get tickets on Classlist now